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Writer's pictureGuatemalan Maya Center

El Calor Mata! Heat Kills!

Updated: Jul 31

Heat is the leading weather-related killer, and it is becoming more dangerous with hotter days becoming a new norm in states like Florida; home to over 2 million outdoor workers.

For farmworkers and other migrant outdoor workers, who die of heat-related causes at roughly 20 times the rate of workers in all other civilian occupations according to CDC data, the danger of extreme heat is compounded by lack of access to quality health care, and lack of access to critical information due to language and communication barriers.

It is our hope to give farmworkers greater access to heat safety and protection by providing partners and supporters FREE Heat Advisory audio recordings in 7 languages to ensure all workers are able to receive critical heat announcements and tips.

See script and audio files below:


Se pronostican altas temperaturas de sol que se pueden sentir hasta de 100 grados o más. 

Asegúrese de tomar medidas necesarias como llevar suficiente agua para hidratarse cada 20 minutos, tratar de tomar descansos en espacios con sombra y áreas frescas, usar ropa liviana y respirable, usar una gorra o sombrero, y no se l

es olvide usar protector solar. 

Si el sol le da de dolor de cabeza, mareos, pulso débil o rápido, náusea o vómito busque sombra y tome agua hasta sentirse mejor. 

Si siente que nada de eso le funciona busque atención médica lo más pronto posible o llame al 911.

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